Insights and Takeaways/Vocabulary

  • Excercise, getting enough sleep, time management are all good and healhthy practices that help to increase practice.
  • Making relationships and connections with people goes a long way toward increasing our happiness.
  • Oftentimes, we value materialistic things over happiness, but happiness is more important and we should place less emphassis on materialistic goods.
  • Whenever we get something new, our first reaction is to wish for something else, but we have to learn to be content with what we have.
  • We won’t always have good days, but bad days are not necesarily bad in the grand scheme of things because we learn from them.
  • People have a lot more control over their happiness than they think they do. A lot more is in our own control than we think.
  • Helping other people with things, no matter how small, really does have a positve impact on oneself.
  • People should make lists of things that they are grateful for, as it helps one realize how much they really have.


  • Get good grades this year
  • Stop procrastinating and get more on top of my assignments when they are assigned
  • Get better an managing work so that I can manage different aspects of my life better
  • Get a shawty
  • Drink more water, especially during the day

Goals in Conjunction with Happy People

  • Work out more, and excercise more in general
  • Get more sleep
  • Material things are not worth it most of the time, as they can only get you so much in life, instead focus on building happy relationships, and doing
  • things that excite you/ are fun for you
  • Cut off relationships and people that make you unhappy
  • Charity work and volunteer work, joining clubs

Gratitude List

  • Family and people who love me
  • Friends and fun times
  • Clothes and house
  • My Hair
  • My knowledge that I’ve gained
  • My passion for learning new things

Graditude Note-Home

My mother. My mom is an amazing women who constantly goes above and beyond for my dad, my brother, and me. Whether its staying up late and helping us with something or waking up at 5 everyday to get us all ready for the day, she always puts us above her, and for that, I am extremely grateful to her. She always will drop everything to pick us up from somewhere, or make us a snack, or help us with homework. She has played a pivotal part in my life and I owe a lot of who I am as a person towards her. I am grateful for everything that she does, and try my best everyday to make her feel appreciated and loved, just as she does for me.

Graditude Note-School

Ms. Naidu. Ms. Naidu honestly was a great teacher who always made sure that we felt welcomed. She was always understanding of our needs and constantly adjusted to our many requests and needs, which was impressive for a first year teacher. She was always there to help us, staying well beyong the end of school hours to help us. She would always make a quick joke that would make us laugh or offer up a suggestion that would make our code that much better. She is one of my favorite teachers that I have ever had, and I’m really sad that shes gone, as she helped further my love of coding last year, and I was really lucky to have her all three tris last year.